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Drama and poetry below
Drama and poetry below

Maligu's contribution to the development of the plot is
very relevant.Maligu is the chief advisor to the king of the
village and a wise man that is very verse in the human
nature.It is this,he uses to buy Soko,the chief priest and
even the king into his evil plan as suggested by the
whitehead-the stranger.He makes the entire village
believe that the stranger is to be accepted in order to
better their lives.Whereas he is doing this against the
interst of the people of the village.It is this eventually
lead to the continous evil mechination by the whitehead
since his idea is openly accepted and aided by evil
agents.Even when his actions are resisted by the king's
son and the chief warrior of the village.He goes on the
discredit him before his father,leading to his banishment
from the village.Infact,he is so grate that he succeed
most of the principal characters.He is so determined in
his evil machination that he is never deterred in any way
and knows how best to influence any hard minded soul to
his side no matter how devilish the plan is.In
sequence,he starts with the purpurted letter written from
the town,to Soko's support and the king's/villagers
3 ) The play revolves mostly around Aloho, a naïve
and jobless university undergraduate who is
desperately searching for a job. She meets
Ochuole, a notorious old school mate of hers
who is the Chief Administrative Officer at the
Ministry of External Relations. Ochuole offers to
help her secure a job by speaking with the
Honourable Minister of External Relations, Chief
Ade Haladu-Amaka on her behalf. Aloho is
offered a job as one of Chief Ade Haladu-
Amaka’s protocol officers. However, she does
not know that Ochuole is actually being used by
the Chief to perpetrate criminal activities
especially drug trafficking. Madam Hoha’s hotel
is the hideout for these criminal activities.
Chief Ade Haladu-Amaka gives Aloho a package
containing hard drugs to deliver in the United
States of America. Aloho unknowingly accepts
the package and gets arrested at the airport by
drug law enforcement officers. Chief Ade
Haladu-Amaka bribes the judge and the
prosecutors to set Aloho free.
Upon Aloho’s release from detention, she
discovers she is pregnant for Chief Ade Haladu-
Amaka. She makes futile attempts to abort the
pregnancy and eventually dies while giving birth
to the child. Meanwhile, a honest police officer,
ACP Yakubu initiates investigations into
allegations of embezzlement of the sum of One
point two billion naira embezzled by Chief Ade
Haladu Amaka. Ayo, a clerk in the office of
Chief provides necessary documents to the
police to unravel the crime after receiving a
bribe. Ogeyi, Aloho’s friend seeks justice by
reporting Chief to the police. Justice prevails in
the end as all the corrupt characters are
punished and made to pay for the crimes
Aloho is the main character in the play. She is a
young and naïve university female graduate
desperately searching for a job. In her
desperation, she ignorantly becomes part of a
criminal network involved in drug trafficking in
spite of her friend’s constant warning to keep
away from notorious Ochuole. Aloho is arrested
and detained for drug trafficking. Upon her
release, she suddenly realizes that she is
pregnant for Chief Haladu-Amaka and
eventually dies during child-birth. The author
uses Aloho’s character to portray the ordeals of
many young and jobless Nigerian graduates,
how they are easily taken advantage of and
lured into crime in their desperation to eke out
a living.
Ochuole is Aloho’s classmate in the University.
She is portrayed as notorious and wayward.
Ochuole works as Chief Administrative Officer
at the Ministry of External Relations. She aids
Chief’s sexually immoral lifestyle by providing
him with ladies. She lures Aloho into drug
trafficking in the guise of helping her to secure
a job with the Ministry of External Relations.
9) the diction or language of this poem "Anvil and the
hammer" by kofi awoona is tense and poetic and to a
large extent portrays reconciliation . The word are
carefuly emloyed to potray the theme of culture clash
and the need to have a reconciliation culture identity .
The words view of Africa and Europe are rendered in
diction approach to each culture .
Take the instance "the tramping of the past , tender and
tenure woving With fiber of social and washed in the
blood of the goat in the fetish hut are lace with flimsy
Glories of paved streets" Lin's 5-6
Almost all the lines have symbols and this helps to
deeper the meaning of the poem
In the end the poet seeks a revival of African values
"see the old days for us our father " and plead a synergy
of both cultures therefore, hopes lies in the reconciliation
of the African and European culture

“vanity” portrays the folly of the living
who in spite of having been bequeathed with many
legacies have arrogantly and ignorantly failed to honour
their dead ancestors. He laments as follows: “They have
left on the earth their cries. In the air, on the water,where
they have traced their signs for us, blind, deaf and
unworthy sons, who see nothing of what they have made
in the air, in the water where they have traced their
signs”. In the poet’s view, much of the problems
bedeviling the African society stem from our disregard
for African tradition and over- dependence on the
Western culture. He laments further: “If we cry roughly of
our torments ever increasing from the start of things”.
Birago Diop argues that the solution to Africa’s many
problems lie within us. He further expresses the African
belief that dead ancestors have the ability to punish
erring individuals and warns that if they are not
respected or honoured, they would also not help the
living in time of trouble- “And since we did not
understand our dead, since we have never listened to
their cries, if we weep gently, gently, if we cry roughly of
our torments, what heart will listen to our clamourings,
what ear to our sobbing hearts.

3) Kufi is a male dominated society in all ramification.
That is why it is filled and influenced by the feministic
thought and feelings. This is seen in their position which
is believed to be law and customary. They are very
domineering because of their African belief. This is also
seen in the way three different men compete for yaremi's
hand in marriage.
 It is also In the number of farmers that are abound in the
village since it is their major occupation
Finally, they are seen everywhere an indication of their
number compared to that of the female.It is indeed
evident In the polygamy pattern of marriage that is often
practiced by most of the men.
Yaremi lost her husband and became a subject of
hate,suspicion and abuse.she is a courageous
woman.Alone in herf world,Yaremi had to put up with
agony of the loss of her beloved husband face the hatred
of suspicious neighours and fight the challenges of
village conventions and customs that reduced the
widowhood to a kind of imprisonment.She also stood
gallantly against the decision of the village elders to
ostracise her and confiscate her husband's property for
her refusal to remarry as dictated by tradition.She is
influential and defiant.She is also hardworking and
through this medium she wapbaze.com gradually
becomes a force to reckon with in Kufi community.She is
also a generous woman.Even though she is a
widow,Yaremi had enough means to meet her needs and
share with those in neded .She is proud and self
opinionated.She was hated by most men in Kufi kingdom
because he turned their hands down in marriage.She i8s
very neat and hardworking woman
identity is developed mostly in the scenes where Bigger
prepares to face his death in the electric chair. In these
final moments, Bigger must struggle to "come to terms"
with what he has done and what he has become. In this
regard, Bigger's identity crisis is more of a struggle to
separate his own impressions from the projections of the
racist society around him. Even as Bigger must accept
responsibility for his crimes, he faces the complex task
of asserting his own worth even as he can't ignore his
crime. When Bigger is involved in the process of
asserting his own worth, he finds that he is in a trap
because he has been unable to act upon all of the dreams
that he has. Bigger wants to define himself as an aviator
or even as the leader of his gang, but these are all
ultimately false. One important thing to note is that
Wright's treatment of the identity theme resembles the
philosophies expounded in several existentialist works.
In particular, the prison scenes toward the end of the
novel are intended to hearken back to the works of
Wright's favorite writer, Dostoevsky. Particularly after his
rejection of established religion, Bigger has the
existentialist burden of searching for meaning in life
without the traditional support systems offered by the
church or other social structures. By the end of Native
Son, it seems that Bigger is one man who is doomed to
fight against the machinery of a hostile world.
Mary Dalton, the only daughter of a wealthy capitalist in
Chicago, rebels the only way she knows how: she starts
dating a Communist.(We could have suggested throwing
wet towels on the carpet and refusing to pick them up,
but that's just us. Her attempts to break free from her
family’s wealth lead her to do numerous crazy things.
She wants to transcend her privileged status, but she
doesn’t realize justhowprivileged she is. Like her
boyfriend Jan, she’s clueless that her attempts to
befriend Bigger make him feel ashamed and afraid. She's
also unaware just quite how belittling she's being: When
Mary gets drunk, she has no idea that she is putting
Bigger into a situation where he simply can’t win. There
can be no good outcome for him by taking her upstairs to
her bedroom when she is drunk. Her inability to see
beyond her own immediate desire to befriend Bigger
suggests that, ultimately, she may be too self-focused to
see outside of herself. She wants to save the world, but
knows far too little about it.
Monday, 19th September, 2016
Literature-In-English (Prose & Obj
9.30am –11.45am
Literature-In-English (Drama & P
2.00pm – 4.30pm.

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