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i)soil - Thick fertile such as loams and
alluvium promote agricultural production
ii)Vegetation - Areas of open woodland
and grassland are easy to settle in.
i)Economic - Large rich markets for
trade, good infrastructure such as
roads, railways etc as well as a skilled
and varied labour force
ii)Social - Some groups of people prefer
to live together for security and
i)Depletion of Natural Resources: The
effects of overpopulation are quite
severe. The first of these is the depletion
of resources.
ii)Degradation of Environment: With the
overuse of coal, oil and natural gas, it
has started producing some serious
effects on our environment .
iii)Conflicts and Wars: Overpopulation in
developing countries puts a major strain
on the resources it should be utilizing
for development.
iv)High Cost of Living : As difference
between demand and supply continues
to expand due to overpopulation, it
raises the prices of various commodities
including food, shelter and healthcare.
v)Accelerated Habitat Loss
The increased loss of the ecosystems including
wetlands, wildlife, rainforests, coral reefs, aquatic life
forms, and grasslands are highly influenced by
vi)Lower Life Expectancy and Diminished
Quality of Life Overpopulation lowers the standards of
living since it creates stress on the vital resources for
survival and increases the difficulty of accessing
the consistent supply of quality food, water, energy,
health, security and shelter.

2a (i) International migration is a global phenomenon that
is growing in scope, complexity and impact. Migration is
both a cause and effect of broader development
processes and an intrinsic feature of our ever globalizing
2a (ii) Seasonal Migration -- The periodic movement of a
population from one region or climate to another in
accordance with the yearly cycle
2b (i) A source region might be an ocean, a large forest, a
desert, or open grasslands. Source regions must be large
and have similar, or uniform, traits throughout.
2b (ii) A destination region is a geographical area
consisting of all the services and infrastructure
necessary for the stay of a specific tourist or tourism
segment. Destinations are the competitive units of
incoming tourism.:
1. Less Maintenance Cost:
Maintenance cost in rail and road transport is quite
high but maintenance cost of water transport is quite
2. Cheap:
The transport channel is quite cheap as compared
rail and road Transport.
3. Useful for Bulky Goods: Heavy and bulky goods can be
transported easily at
little cost through water transport.
4. Useful During Natural Calamities:
During natural calamities like flood and rains, when
rail and road wapbase.org transport is disrupted, relief
can be operated through water transport.
5. Helpful in Defence:
Development of shipping is essential for the defence
of the country also. It is also called second line of
6. Important for Foreign Trade: Water transport plays
important role in foreign trade.
India’s foreign trade is mainly dependent on water
Import substitution industrialization (ISI) is a trade and
economic policy which advocates replacing foreign
imports with domestic production.
(i)To reduce unemployment
(ii)import substitution
policies allow a nation to be completely self-sufficient.
(iii)to protect domestic industries from import
(iv)to reduce its foreign dependency through the local
production of
industrialized products.
(i)make small products, mainly to be bought by
(ii)Most are small-scale, suitable for factory units on
industrial estates.
(iii)only a limited amounts of investment capital is
1. Between latitude 4°N and 14°N
2. Between longitude 3°E and 15°E
3. Located in the African continent
4. Located almost at the center of the curve made at the
Western part of the continent

Monday, 5th September, 2016
Geography (Essay &Objective) 9.3

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