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A housewife in Lagos state, Afusat Simpa, says she is tired of
her 51 year old husband, Mohammed Simpa who cannot go
beyond one round of sekx. Speaking to The Sun, Afusat says
her husband’s inability to satisfy her sexually has caused
them to have constant quarrels. According to her, she expects
him to go three rounds whenever they have sekx.
“I expect my husband to be able to take me to orgasm
whenever I wish to make love to him. But no, that is not the
case; instead he would stop at one round breathing as if he
just climbed a mountain. It is unacceptable. But I understand
his predicament,” she said.
The father of four attributed his partial impotency to an
accident he sustained in 2003 while working at a
pharmaceutical company some years ago. According to him,
he was injured above his pelvis and was operated upon. The
operation from the injury he claimed affected his performance
as a man.
“That day, I was on morning shift, to close work around
2pm. My supervisor, Wilson Oyedele, who was on
afternoon shift that day delayed me and asked me to
work with the people on afternoon shift because there
were few people working on afternoon shift”, he stated.
I was told to work from 2pm and close by 5pm,” he
                       “That day loading started around 5pm and the gate to
the warehouse was faulty to the extent that we used
plank to suspend it when we open and close it. I was in
a hurry to go home because I did not inform my family
that I would be coming back late from work. The boy
offloading was too slow for my liking so I went to assist
him, in the process I was hit by the bad gate. In a place
of work when an employee gets injured, they
compensate them , but they did not do that, I wrote a
letter to management while I was working there but my
supervisor said that I am still working with them and I
want them to compensate me.

He told them to put my name in the retrenchment list in
2005. When I went back to work on the 20th of June,
after four months they released the retrenchment list
and told me that my service was no longer needed, I
went to meet them and they said that they wanted to
reduce the number of staff.”

Simpa said effort to get the hospital remove the iron attached
to his body has been futile since the hospital has not had any
communication from Glaxosmithkline to commence treatment
on him. Therefore, he resorted to taking painkillers and self-
medication to survive while waiting for the company.
                    “I have been to hospital but they refused to treat me.
Even the human resource officer that no longer works
there told me that if I am not given a letter, I would not
be treated. I even went to meet the doctor that operated
on me at LUTH, but he told me to pay N5,000 before he
would attend to me or recommend drugs that I would
take. What I have been doing since then is to engage in
one job or another then use the money to buy Ampiclox ,
Vitamin C, Panadol and pain relieving drugs to relieve
the pains.”
  Afusat says she takes solace in the fact that she has had all
her children

             “I take solace in the fact that I already had four children
before the incident. If not so, I would not have taken it
easy with him. How can a man not have strength to do
more than one round. It is not good. If he finishes one
round he would be looking for sleep to regain strength.
Several times, I have complained, even got angry with
him despite knowing what happened to him. Before the
accident, he was agile and I was always praying that no
woman should have sekx with him because he knows
how to satisfy a woman. She says she has tried all she
could to improve her husband’s condition. She has
introduced him to local herb popularly called ‘Afato’

“As a man of peace, he would console me and plead
with me that things will improve. I have tried to help him
improve it. Sometimes I would buy him drinks or tell him
not to work much, yet it would always resolve to the
same thing,” she stated