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To Okike Ezinne an 18 year old girl of Isu Mbaneze
in Ohaozara Local Government Area of Ebonyi state
and the mother of one year and six months old baby
identified as one Chisom Raphael, what she is seeing
now may not be what she bargained for as she claimed
since according her,the bosom friend led her
unknowingly into the understanding of selling off her
baby at the sum of three hundred thousand Naira.

Narrating her ordeal, Ezinne maintained that she
had the baby out of wedlock and decided to keep it
although things were no longer working smoothly
for her while at home until her bosom
friend identified as one Promise Godwin, also of
Isu Mbaneze Ohazara Local Government Area of
Ebonyi state approached her to come to Enugu
with the child with a promise that somebody was
going to take care of Ezinne and little Chisom
Raphael. According to Ezinne, she later join the
friend in Enugu where she secured an
accommodation at Coal Camp Axis but later found
out that the friend has abandoned her husband
and headed for commercial sex work at Four
Corners Junction Enugu with her little baby
probably to make ends meet. It was further
revealed that sometime in the month of march
2016, Promise Godwin having perfected
the purchase deal of little Chisom at the rate of
three hundred thousand naira with  46 year old
Gloria Okafor from Uturu but married to now late
Sunday Okafor of Umudi Lokpanta in Abia state
whose major occupation is to get and sell babies to
prospective buyers  within Uturu, Lokanta Abia
state and its environs. It was further gathered that
following the establishment of the sales
understanding between Ezinne and Promise with
Gloria Okafor, the dealer in the trade, little Chisom
Raphael was taken to Limca Bus stop at Okigwe,
Imo state along Enugu Port -Harcourt Express way
Okigwe where Chisom was sold to Gloria Okafor at
the rate of Three Hundred Thousand Naira and
money given to the mother of chisom in cash at the
expense of her child and they all came back to
Enugu where the money according to Ezinne and
Promise was shared as follows; two Hundred
Thousand Naira to Ezinne the mother of the child,
fifty thousand naira to Promise while the
remaining fifty thousand Naira went to the
motorcyclist working with Godwin Promise in the
Four Corner Brothel where she is staying. Gloria
Okafor having been nabbed revealed how she
bought the child from the duo of Ezinne and
Promise but maintained that the child was later
handed over to the buyer that same day and the
buyer is now at large and further revealed that
Godwin Promise who is already 8 months pregnant
and also with a child of one year and a month
baby, has also perfected arrangement to sell off the
baby whom she named Chiadikaobi to a
prospective buyer before they were nabbed by the
Eagle eyed operatives of the Central Police station
of the Nigeria Police Enugu state command that
have laid their dragnets to all corners. Suspects are
now helping police in their investigations and
begging for forgiveness but however blamed the
situation to act of Satan. Meanwhile, the state
Commissioner of Police Emmanuel Ojukwu has
advised youth to know the type of friend they keep
in order to become meaningful to themselves and
the entire society.