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Life after a break up is usually not too splendid but it
teaches both partners more about love, relationship
and/or dating than they knew previously. So, what do
women learn when they are single?
1. The beauty of solitude.
One of the scariest things in the world is being alone with your
thoughts. Being single, especially for a long period of time, gives
you room to figure out who you are and why you feel what you
feel. Once you know yourself better, solitude doesn't have to be
lonely. It can be relaxing.
2. You learn there's more to life than dating.
The general saying is that life is more meaningful when you
have a partner to share with it. Don't get me wrong,
relationships are an extremely dope and important part of life.
But having a boyfriend or a husband doesn't have to be the
thing that gives your life meaning. And learning that you can be
happy without that is the first step to discovering all the things
that do give your life some meaning.

3. You can finally figure out what you're looking for in a
When you move from one partner to another, you sometimes
lose track of why you're doing it in the first place. Being single
allows you figure out what type of person you really want to be
with. Finding someone to date doesn't need to be high up on
your radar of priorities, but figuring out what you want will make
it all that much easier to spot them later on.
4. You learn the value of friendship.
People in relationships have friends, but when you're single, you
have way more time to cultivate deep friendships. The beauty of
friendship is that it allows you to form emotional bonds that
aren't as painful and don't require as much commitment of a
relationship. (Plus you can have tons of friends at once and
usually you only have one boyfriend at a time.) Basically,
friends are the shit, and having tons of friends when you're
single is the shit.
5. You learn how to masturbate, really well.
You have a lot of time to practice. Also, you learn to appreciate
the art of masturbation in a way you never considered as an
adult. Sex is a wonderful and necessary part of life, but
masturbation  is a different thing entirely and can take on a
different type of meaning depending on who you are sexually.